Decisions, Decisions, Decisions ... To Keep or Not to Keep!
Does this inspire joy?
Do I know what this is?
Do I need this?
Why do I have this?
What is the worst thing that can happen if I get rid of this?
When have I last used this?
Does anyone in my household use this?
Is this a duplicate? How many of this item do I need?
Am I keeping this item out of expectation or obligation?
Is this broken and if so, is it worth fixing?
Is this a future garage sale item?
Assign an A, B, or C to the item
A: Often used and enjoyed?
B: Seldom used?
C: Needs to go?
Does every item have a place where it belongs?
Do I have "too much"?
Does the 80/20 Pareto Principle apply?
Do I use 20 % of my belongings 80% of the time?
If so, would donating my unused items to someone who needs them and would get full use of them make sense?
Do I keep saying, "I might need this some day."
Do I really need it after all or do I already have multiples of the items?
Does your closet reflect who you are now, not who you were or who you might be in the future?
Am I hanging on to "trophy sized" clothes or "fortune paid" clothes that I no longer wear? Why?
Physical Clutter = Stress!
Emotional Clutter = Stress!
Less Mess = Less Stress!
Can I increase happiness in my life by surrounding myself with belongings that simplify, energize and organize
and create a sense of well-being?
If I take photos of items, do I need to hold on to all of the items or am I able to let them go?
By downsizing and eliminating excess from my life, will I live more peacefully and freely?
Will I be able to work more productively with a transformed, organized space?
How do I create optimal efficiency living and working spaces? How do I get started with the sorting and purging?
Toss It List - Do I need to keep any of these items?
1. Bad photos
2. Expired contracts, coupons, manuals, policies, warranties
3. Junk mail
4. Never used cups, dishes, flatware, platters, pans, pots, vases
5. Old articles, brochures, catalogs, greeting cards, instructions, invitations, magazines, maps, schedules
Do I know what this is?
Do I need this?
Why do I have this?
What is the worst thing that can happen if I get rid of this?
When have I last used this?
Does anyone in my household use this?
Is this a duplicate? How many of this item do I need?
Am I keeping this item out of expectation or obligation?
Is this broken and if so, is it worth fixing?
Is this a future garage sale item?
Assign an A, B, or C to the item
A: Often used and enjoyed?
B: Seldom used?
C: Needs to go?
Does every item have a place where it belongs?
Do I have "too much"?
Does the 80/20 Pareto Principle apply?
Do I use 20 % of my belongings 80% of the time?
If so, would donating my unused items to someone who needs them and would get full use of them make sense?
Do I keep saying, "I might need this some day."
Do I really need it after all or do I already have multiples of the items?
Does your closet reflect who you are now, not who you were or who you might be in the future?
Am I hanging on to "trophy sized" clothes or "fortune paid" clothes that I no longer wear? Why?
Physical Clutter = Stress!
Emotional Clutter = Stress!
Less Mess = Less Stress!
Can I increase happiness in my life by surrounding myself with belongings that simplify, energize and organize
and create a sense of well-being?
If I take photos of items, do I need to hold on to all of the items or am I able to let them go?
By downsizing and eliminating excess from my life, will I live more peacefully and freely?
Will I be able to work more productively with a transformed, organized space?
How do I create optimal efficiency living and working spaces? How do I get started with the sorting and purging?
Toss It List - Do I need to keep any of these items?
1. Bad photos
2. Expired contracts, coupons, manuals, policies, warranties
3. Junk mail
4. Never used cups, dishes, flatware, platters, pans, pots, vases
5. Old articles, brochures, catalogs, greeting cards, instructions, invitations, magazines, maps, schedules
Energize and Organize helps people and businesses get organized!