Where's a good greeting card when you need one? To avoid last-minute dashes to the store, stock up on a dozen great greeting cards today. Grab some funny birthday cards, a few touching "thinking of you" cards, and a couple of "get-well" and "sorry for your loss" cards. Then, keep them in a handy spot along with stamps so you can send off a quick card in no time.
If you would like to grace your loved ones with positively beautiful notecards you are cordially invited to visit my sister Jennifer LaRoche's nature and fine art photography website at www.stampandnotephoto.com Jennifer is portrait and event photographer and you are also warmly welcomed to visit www.jenniferlarochephotography.com to view her exquisite work! Remember if you need assistance and support with your family life, home and/or office, you are cordially invited to contact ... Donna LaRoche, M.Ed., Professional Organizer Serving Cape Cod, Metro West and Eastern Massachusetts Contact 617.640.2366 www.energizeandorganize.com Organizing a basement, attic, or garage is a great opportunity to pare down. Wondering what to do with the leftovers? Here are a few options:
Donate: Give yourself a tax break and help others in need by donating items in good condition to a local charity. Some organizations, such as Vietnam Veterans of America, offer pick-up service. Give to family/friends: If you find a treasure that may be meaningful to a loved one, offer it to them. (But let them know it’s okay to decline. Remember, we don’t want to add clutter to their lives!) Garage sale: If you have a large amount of good-condition cast-offs (especially baby and kids’ items, tools, or other highly desirable stuff), consider a garage sale. But remember, sales are a lot of work, so this option is only good if you have time to dedicate to pricing, setting up, promoting, and staffing a garage sale. eBay/Craigslist: Computer savvy? Try listing furniture, antiques, and other higher-value items online. Or take treasures to an antiques dealer. FreeCycle: With over 4,000 groups across the globe, this nonprofit connects people who are giving and getting stuff for free in their own towns. Its mission is to reduce waste, save precious resources, and ease the burden on landfills. Visit www.freecycle.org for details. Trash: Rent a dumpster if you have a lot of unsalvageable junk. Or hire 1-800-GOT-JUNK, North America’s largest junk removal service, to do it for you. They load the truck, and then recycle and dispose of your stuff as required. © 2018 Articles on Demand™ Remember, if you need assistance and support with your family life, home and/or office organization, you are cordially invited to contact ... Donna LaRoche, M.Ed., Professional Organizer Serving Cape Cod, MetroWest and Eastern Massachusetts Contact: 617.640.2366 www.energizeandorganize.com |
August 2024
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